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Best Western Hôtel Graslin★★★
Nantes Centre - Les machines de l'île
+33 (0)2 40 69 72 91
Best Western Hôtel Graslin★★★
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General terms and conditions of sale

Terms of payment :

They depend on the offer selected. Please check the payment conditions when making your reservation.

Cancellation policy :

It depends on the offer selected. Please check the cancellation policy when making your reservation.

Warranty policy :

Reservation guaranteed by the credit card number used at the time of booking. A valid credit card must be presented upon arrival at the hotel. A one-night pre-authorisation may be made to ensure the validity of the credit card.

For prepaid rates, the card used for the prepayment will be requested at the hotel.

Child policy :

Up to 2 children under 3 years of age sharing a room with two adults on existing bedding are free of charge.

Breakfast and/or lunch may be charged at extra cost.

Breakfast rate :

May be charged extra on site if not included in the selected offer.

Terms and conditions :

The customer is reminded, in accordance with Article L. 121-21-8 12° of the Consumer Code, that he does not have the right of withdrawal provided in Article L. 121-21 of the Consumer Code. The Conditions of Sale of the reserved tariff specify the modalities of cancellation and/or modification of the reservation.