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Best Western Hôtel Graslin★★★
Nantes Centre - Les machines de l'île
+33 (0)2 40 69 72 91
Best Western Hôtel Graslin★★★
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The Passage Pommeraye in Nantes

The shops of Passage Pommeraye in Nantes

Of course, the Passage Pommeraye is also a popular place for shopping even if you feel as if you are strolling through the galleries of a museum. You will find all major retailers and your favorite stores: Nature et découvertes, Arche ou encore Hermès...

Among the most beautiful covered passages in Europe

Before being a large shopping mall very attractive in the centre of Nantes, the Passage Pommeraye is also one of the most beautiful passages covered in Europe, architectural gem of the nineteenth century, a historical monument since 1976, with its galleries richly decorated and its many shops.
From its inauguration in 1843, the passage is widely acclaimed by the people of Nantes who appreciate this luxurious and luminous enclave in the center of the very dynamic western city of France.

Spread over three levels around a central staircase, the Pommeraye passage is then a fine example of the excellence of European architecture of the time with an abundance of architectural and decorative details.

A singular architecture, an extravagant decor, a magical atmosphere

Entrances designed on the model of a classical triumphal arch, imposing stone portals, carved white stone columns, vaulted ceilings adorned with carved motifs, wrought iron balconies, large windows supported by arches metallic, many elements decorated with plant motifs, statues of "pensive" teenagers, allegorical sculptures and medallions representing celebrities of the region ... It is impossible to count here all the riches and peculiarities of Passage Pommeraye which surprises by its exuberant decoration, oscillating between neo-classicism and eclecticism Louis-Philippe.
The Passage Pommeraye, Nantes | Best Western Hotel Graslin à Nantes
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